AN INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZATION BEHAVIOUR NOTES Introduction What is Organization Behaviour? Why study organization behaviour/ importance?The pace of change in organization is accelerating and transformation isoccurring at work place. Therefore its time for organization, to knowhow to combat change for the prosperity of the organizations. Thefollowing are trends that are currently in mostorganizations; Trends in … Read more

THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE ORGANIZATION-Purchasing and Supply Management

THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE ORGANIZATION NOTES IntroductionPeople are the organization’s most valuable and expensive resource butthey are most difficult element of organization to manage. Individualsare almost infinitely different, they act differently in differentcircumstances and are in many ways , entirely unpredictable.Organizations are interested in the way which people behave at work forthem to perform effectively … Read more


THE EVOLUTION AND ORGANIZATION OF PURCHASING AND SUPPLIES MANAGEMENT NOTES Introduction Purchasing describes the process of buying: learning of need, locatingand selecting suppliers negotiating prices and other pertinent terms,and follow up to ensure delivery. It entails the following activities: These activities include; Essentially therefore procurement tends to be broader and moreproactive, focusing on strategic matters, … Read more

STOCK AND STOCK CONTROL-Purchasing and Supply Management

STOCK AND STOCK CONTROL NOTES 4.1 Introduction Materials held by the organization in its stores or otherwise constituteits stock. In the ideal would stockholding would not be necessary.Demand and supply would be synchronized and materials would flow o thepoint of use at a rate matching the speed of consumption. This ishowever not the case in … Read more

SOURCING-Purchasing and Supply Management

SOURCING NOTES IntroductionA source is a place from which something comes from or is obtained from.Sourcing is therefore a process of determination and selection of places/firmsfrom with to acquire materials or services. Sourcing levels Sourcing Considerations Sourcing InformationSourcing information relates to: Analysis of Market Conditions Why is this necessary? Sources of information relating to market … Read more

PURCHASING PROCEDURES-Purchasing and Supply Management

PURCHASING PROCEDURES NOTES Introduction A typical purchasing cycle consists of the following steps: 2.1 Recognition of the NeedA purchase need may originate from the firm’s user departments or theinventory control section. The notification of the need is usually intwo methods. Standard Purchase RequisitionThis is an internal document comparable to the purchase order which isan external … Read more

PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION-Purchasing and Supply Management

PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION NOTES Elements of a Physical Distribution Physical distribution is the set of activities concerned with efficientmovement of finished goods from the end of the production operation tothe consumer. Physical distribution takes place within numerouswholesaling and retailing distribution channels, and includes such important decision areas as: Physical distribution is part of a larger process … Read more

MARKETING STRATEGY-Principles of Marketing

MARKETING STRATEGY NOTES What is Marketing Strategy ? Marketing strategy is a plan which determines the firm’s marketinggoals; marketing strategy explains how the goals will be achieved withina stated frameworkIt also determines the choice of target market segment, positioning,marketing mix and allocation of resources. A clear understanding ofmarketing management philosophies of choice, the marketing environment,Consumer … Read more

What Is Marketing Mix ?-Principles Of Marketing

MARKETING MIX NOTES The term marketing mix refers to the tactical elements of the marketingstrategy. It is the blending of product, price, promotion and place. 1. Product Product refers to anything that can be offered to a market for attention, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. It includes any tangible item, … Read more


MARKETING INFORMATION SYSTEMS, MARKETING INTELLIGENCE AND RESEARCH NOTES Defining Marketing Information Systems All the above three are interrelated. First, let us look at themarketing information systems (MIS). Kotler defines, marketinginformation systems as follows:“A marketing information system is a continuing and interactingstructure of people, equipment and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distributepertinent, timely and … Read more

MARKETING ENVIRONMENT -Principles Of Marketing

MARKETING ENVIRONMENT NOTES Chapter one introduced the definition of marketing, core concepts inmarketing and the marketing management philosophies. In chapter two, wefocus on marketing environment. Marketing environment is the factors andactors that influence the decision-making in marketing. Broadly, the marketing environment can becategorized into: the external environment and the internal environment.The internal environment is the … Read more

Principles Of Marketing

INTRODUCTION NOTES What is Marketing ? There are various definitions of marketing. One of the commondefinitions is given by Philip Kotler, a marketing professor. Accordingto Kotler, marketing is a system of business activities designed toplan, price promote and distribute wantsatisfying goods and services to target markets, in order to achieveorganizational objectives. The American Marketing Association … Read more

Principles of Marketing-Consumer Behavior

BUYER/CONSUMER BEHAVIOR NOTES What is Consumer Behaviour? Consumer behavior is the decision processes an individual or groupinvolving evaluating, acquiring, using or consuming goods and services.A firm needs to analyze buying behavior for: To understand, the buyer decision-making process, the general model ofthe buyer decision process serves as a tool. This model consists ofthese five steps … Read more


TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS NOTES Transactional Analysis (or TA as it is often called) is a model ofpeople and relationships that was developed during the 1960s by Dr. EricBerne. It is based on two notions: first that we have three parts or‘ego-states’ to our ‘personality. The other assumption is that theseconverse with one another in ‘transactions(hence the … Read more

Sequence For Handling Customers Difficult Situations

SEQUENCE FOR HANDLING DIFFICULT SITUATIONS NOTES Eight Strategies to Deal With Difficult Situations In any business our customers are one of our most important assets.Unfortunately there are days when not all customers want to be friendlyor pleasant. On days like this, try these effective tips to help youhandle those difficult customers. Dealing with Difficult CustomersIt … Read more


PROBLEM SOLVING & HANDLING CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS NOTES Customers are becoming more demanding and in some cases–rude. Complaintsare an opportunity to improve existing service and begin deliveringquality service. Identifies basic problem solving skills, complexproblem and irate customer handling skills. Introduces the concepts ofself-talk and class acts. Key Points Covered: Learn why complaintsshould be considered “opportunities.” Learn … Read more


INTRODUCTION TO CUSTOMER CARE NOTES WHAT IS CUSTOMER CARE? Customer care involves putting systems in place to maximize yourcustomers’ satisfaction with your business. It should be a primeconsideration for every business – your sales and profitability dependson keeping your customers happy. Customer care is more directlyimportant in some roles than others. For receptionists, sales staff … Read more

How To Identify Customers Need; What Customers Want

IDENTIFYING CUSTOMERS NEED; WHAT CUSTOMERS WANT NOTES However good your product or service is, the simple truth is that no-onewill buy it if they don’t want it or believe they don’t need it. And youwon’t persuade anyone that they want or need to buy what you’re offeringunless you clearly understand what it is your customers … Read more

Customer Care- How To Handle Customers

HANDLING OPPORTUNITIES NOTES The fact is if you are running a business, you’ll have customers whocomplain. Here are some ways you can pacify angry customers and turn thesituation in your favor. Surely you have heard the old expression, “Youcan’t please everyone all of the time”. Even though you may have a greatproduct, exemplary customer service … Read more

Customer Care-How to Handle Customers Difficult Situation

HANDLING DIFFICULT SITUATIONS NOTES Handling difficult people and situations is one of the most stressfulaspects of the modern working environment. This handling difficultpeople and situations training course provides a practical guide on howto handle difficult people and situations effectively and ensuresuccessful outcomes. Delegates will examine aspects of human behaviourand review their options when faced with … Read more