Factors Influencing Language Development.

Several factors will influence a child language development. Such factors determine when a child will alter their first word or how fluent a child will be in their language. Every factor discussed below affects a child in different ways.

The following are the Factors Influencing the language development

1.Social environment

The environment needs to be stimulating in terms of language acquisition. There should be suitable role models and regular use of language. The relationship of the child with his family members has lasting and enduring effect on his speech development. Children who are brought up by their parents are likely to have better speech development since they have closeness with their family. They are able to gain confidence in their expression.

Those children who are reared by foster mothers or baby seaters from a very early age they lack closeness with the mother and family tie. They are slow in learning and retarded in their language development throughout their life.

2.Presence of adult speakers rather than other children.

Adults are known to have mastered the language well. A child who is brought up in a family with many adult, their language is well developed , polished and free from mistakes. Unlike a child who is surrounded by many children.

3.Cognitive and intellectual development

Language and intellectual development are so highly correlated that it is said ‘The child’s speech is the best single indicator of his I.Q.’ This is absolutely true. A child who is early in speech is above normal in I.Q.

Mentally alert young children usually talk early. They also understand or comprehend early what is communicated to them through language.

They very quickly grasp and understand what is told to them and recognize objects and people in their immediate environment, call them by name. They can express their needs and desires in correct and simple sentences.

Some children may be slow beginners, but subsequently develop mastery in language development. This delay may not be due to low intellectual development, but other factors. Keeping other factors constant, babbling at an early stage indicate higher intellectual growth.

Factors Influencing Language Development.


Child’s language development depends a lot on learning and maturation. In fact, the interaction of these factors is crucial in determining the language development of the child. With the increase in age the vocal cord of the child matures and his learning also increases. By the interaction of these two factors language develops.

A three four months old baby cannot speak a word until his vocal cord and speech muscles are properly developed. Most of them will speak when they are 18-28 months. It is a clear indication that maturation affects language development. The nervous system and the speech muscles are adequately developed by this time to start speaking. 


Bilingualism is where a child is supposed to learn two languages in their early stage of life. The child language development may be retarded if he is required to speak different languages in different places or during different times. For example, a child may be confused if they speak a native language at home and a different language at school. Also, when they hear two different languages at home. such confusion affects a child thinking power.

Hence language development is delayed and adverse effect is observed on the vocabulary, spoken language etc. of the child. Due to transfer of training principles, one word of one language is used in the second language leading to faulty sentence constriction.

It is therefore not desirable to teach more than one language to the child before he enters school (5-6 years age). By learning two languages before school going age, it becomes difficult for the child for adjustment. Defects in sentence construction and comprehension is also observed.

When two languages compete with each others, because of competition of responses there is negative effect. The child’s emotional and social adjustment is also affected due to bilingualism.

6. General Health and Physical Status

Physiological condition influences a child language development. A child speech development may retard due to severe and prolonged illness. This likely happens during the first two years of a child. Due to illness, a child is separated from others hence not able to learn how to speak.

Constant illness may also affect a child confidence. Mostly when the child is severely ill and weak. In such a case, a child may lack the desire for self expression.

Since the child feels unwell most of the time there is no enthusiasm to talk and communicate with others. Slightly deaf children and children who are hard of hearing may have slow speech development.

Speech delay can also be caused by deafness. If a child does not start his first word by the requisite time his ear and vocal cord should be examined by a specialist. A healthy body produces a healthy mind. A healthy child is always happy, active and full of life and progressive. He has a wholesome personality, curiosity and interest in the environment, motivation and desire to learn.

A sickly child shows regression and backwardness in all types of development. Hence all satisfactory step should be taken to improve the health condition of the baby so that retarded language development can be checked before it does further harm to the baby.