What is Statistics and Uses of Statistics

What is Statistics? The word ‘statistics’ is defined by Croxton and Cowden as follows:- “The collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of thenumerical data.”This definition clearly points out four stages in a statisticalinvestigation, namely: In addition to this, one more stage i.e. organization of data is suggested What is Business Statistics? It is the science of … Read more


THE LAW OF PERSONS 2.1 Introduction A person is defined is defined as an entity or being which is recognizedby law as having certain defined rights and obligations. Such an entityor being has said to be a legal person. Legal persons are divided intotwo namely; An entity which` is recognized as a person is said … Read more


THE LAW OF CONTRACT NOTES 5.1 Introduction The law of contract is the foundation upon which the superstructure ofmodern business is built. In business transactions quite often promisesare made at one time and the performance follows later. The law ofcontract lay down the legal rules relating to promises, their formation,their performance, and their enforceability. The … Read more


SALE OF GOODS ACT NOTES The law relating to the sale of goods is contained in the Sale of GoodsAct (Cap. 31). This Act is mainly based on English Sales of Goods Act DefinitionSection 3(1) of the Act defines a contract for the sale of goods as:“A contract whereby the seller transfers or agrees to … Read more


NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS NOTES 9.1 IntroductionThe law relating to ‘negotiable instruments’ is contained in the Billsof Exchange Act(cap 270 and the Cheque Act (cap.35). These Acts dealwith three kinds of negotiable instruments. i.e. Bills of Exchange,cheques and Promissory Notes. Meaning of Negotiable Instrument:The word negotiable means “transferable by delivery,’ and the wordinstrument means a written document … Read more


LAW OF AGENCY NOTES Agency law is special branch of the law of contract. Ac cording to theprovision of the law of contract Act (Cap. 23), the English common lawof contract is applicable in Kenya. The date of reception of the commonlaw of contract of England is 12th August 1897. English decisions afterthis date are … Read more


HIRE PURCHASE NOTES The law relating to hire parches agreement has been contained in theHire purchase Act (Cap. 507). This Act has been based mainly on EnglishHire Purchase Acts. 8.1 Introduction The Hire Purchase Act (cap. 507) defines some terms relating to hirepurchase transactions as under:“Hire purchase Agreement ” means an agreement for the bailment … Read more


CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT NOTES 4.1 Introduction In Kenya, employment is governed by the general law of contract, as muchas by the principles of common law. Thus, employment is basically seenas an individual relationship negotiated by the employee and theemployer according to their special needs. Parliament has passed lawsspecifically dealing with different aspects of the employer-employeerelationship. … Read more


CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT NOTES 4.1 Introduction In Kenya, employment is governed by the general law of contract, as muchas by the principles of common law. Thus, employment is basically seenas an individual relationship negotiated by the employee and theemployer according to their special needs. Parliament has passed lawsspecifically dealing with different aspects of the employer-employeerelationship. … Read more


WHAT IS A TORT? A tort is a civil wrong other than a breach of contract whose remedy isa common law action for damages or other relief. However, not everywrong is a tort. A single action may give rise to a tort and a crime.The law of tort protects various personal and proprietary interests.Tortious liability … Read more


1.1 The Nature of Law The term ‘law’ is used in a variety of senses. There are laws ofphysical sciences, laws of social sciences, moral laws and laws of state. Laws of physical sciencesLaws of physical sciences are those facts which have been proved correctand do not change over a period of time. Such laws … Read more

2 Examples of Topdog Underdog Gestalt Powerdynamics in Therapy

The “topdog/underdog” concept in gestalt therapy refers to the power dynamics that exist between individuals in relationships. In this concept, one person is seen as the “topdog,” or the person with more power and control in the relationship, while the other person is seen as the “underdog,” or the person with less power and control. … Read more

Perceptual Development Theories

Perceptual development refers to the process by which individuals develop the ability to perceive and interpret sensory information from the world around them. It is a crucial aspect of overall human development and has been widely studied by psychologists, who have sought to understand how perception changes over time and how it is influenced by … Read more

Application of Gestalt Psychology

Gestalt psychology is a school of psychology that focuses on how people perceive, process, and organize information in the world around them. It has had a significant impact on our understanding of perception and has a wide range of practical applications in areas such as psychology, design, education, and therapy. Some of the main applications … Read more

8 Stages in Erik Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development

Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development outlines eight stages that occur throughout a person’s life, beginning in infancy and continuing into old age. Each stage is marked by a psychosocial crisis, or a conflict between two opposing psychological forces, which must be resolved in order for the individual to move on to the next stage. … Read more

Erik Erikson Basic Trust and Psychoanalysis

Erik Erikson was a German-American psychologist and psychoanalyst who is best known for his stage theory of psychosocial development. Erikson’s theory describes eight stages of development that occur throughout a person’s life, beginning in infancy and continuing into old age. Each stage is marked by a psychosocial crisis, or a conflict between two opposing psychological … Read more

Seven Techniques of Gestalt Therapy and Counseling

Gestalt therapy is a form of psychotherapy that is based on the principles of Gestalt psychology. It emphasizes the importance of holistic thinking and self-awareness, and focuses on the present moment and the individual’s direct experience. Some of the techniques used in Gestalt therapy include: These are some of the key techniques used in Gestalt … Read more

Theories of Perpetual Development

Perpetual development theories refer to a set of philosophical and scientific perspectives that emphasize the continuous and ongoing nature of development. These theories posit that development is not a linear, one-time event, but rather a lifelong and ongoing process that occurs throughout an individual’s lifespan. These theories all share the belief that development is a … Read more

Factors Influencing the Reliability of a Test

Reliability refers to the consistency and stability of a test, and it is a critical aspect of test quality. A reliable test produces consistent results over time and across different groups of people. In other words, if a test is reliable, it should produce the same results if taken by the same person on different … Read more

Overview of Language Development from Birth

Language development is a complex and dynamic process that begins at birth and continues throughout life. It is the gradual acquisition of the ability to understand, produce, and use language effectively. The development of language is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, the environment, and social interactions. At birth, babies have the ability … Read more